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                Company Profile

                Company Profile

                  Along with the fast development of RF technology, more and more people know the importance and convenience for  the wireless technology and the knowledge is widely adopt by more and more people, so wireless products is becoming more popular in people's life. The strong demand of wireless products causes more actual requirements from end users. Those requirements cover different aspects such as lower power, longer range, simpler usage, lower cost, smaller size, higher reliability and shorter R&D lifecycle, etc.

                SHENZHEN KYL COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT CO.,LTD was established in Shenzhen - the forefront of technology and electronic production market inChina. We are specialized on design and developing ODM module series for wireless data communication based on the series of TI 's CHIPCON RF IC. The CHIPCON series has high integrity, high quality RF index and commonly used for mass production. These will ensure the stability and consistency of the products.

                Now our RF data communication products are widely used in electric power, railroad, oil field, meteorology,security, water conservancy, automation control, media apparatus, meter, home automation. We have not only first-class technology, equipment, RF design engineers, but also excellent administers and senior advisers. They are experienced in large-scale software development, enterprise management and software application characteristics.

                We has obtained the ISO9001 so as to provide sufficient insurance of products quality and meet your demand for higher quality and lower price. In a word, we will do everything to meet customer’s requirements with the production and services.

                High quality, sincere service and low price is our value and our promises to our customer. As an enterprise integrated with manufacture and sales, we have confidence to launch more competitive products to cope with more severe competition. KYL is your sincere partner.